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How to find the book in the library catalogue

You are welcome to BSMU library catalogue. It contains the fund of the Library.

To search the necessary information in the resources correctly you should know what each database contains.

Library catalogue consists of several databases:

The following types of searching are possible:

Basic Search

Простой поиск

Basic Search is the search line where you can enter any data about the source: title, authors, and key words. All the words at the search line will be connected by the statement ИЛИ (i.e. OR), i.e. the program will search through all the fields of records. The result of such search will not be exact and full of “informational garbage”.

Advanced Search

Define the purpose of search and formulate the query. Pay attention that during formulating queries in all searches режимах there are the following rules:

• Simultaneously you can fill several fields in the search. The result of the search will be descriptions that meet all the criteria.

• Search fields are possible to fill by any case that is why it is more practical to use only lowercase.

• The majority of fields can be filled partially, and there is no need to print more than 27 letters. The part of the line that exceeds the 27-letter limit will be ignored by the system.

Расширенный поиск

If you want to get the list of the literature recommended by teachers and available in the Library, you fill the lines Специальность (Specialty) or Дисциплина (Discipline). This type or search uses the data of the textbooks and guidance manuals:

Расширенный поиск

If you do not have the precise data or you are afraid to make mistakes while typing, you should use the “Словарь” (i.e. “Dictionary”). “Словарь” (i.e. “Dictionary”) is the list of possible meanings of the searched terms. Having chosen the link Список специальностей (List of Specialties) or Список дисциплин (List of Disciplines), the table with the first terms of the dictionary appears. To proceed the next group of dictionary terms you can in the following three ways:

1. Using the alphabet of links;

2. Using the "key" (by typing the first letters of the term in the "Key" field and pressing the "Go to the term" button»);

3. Link "Next". You can search by clicking on the term, i.e. a specific discipline, specialty.


Расширенный поиск

If you have to use several terms while searching, you should mark the necessary check boxes, then click the tab «Возврат к поиску» (i.e. “Back to search”) and continue searching by basic search. Meanwhile the chosen specialties will be shown separately above the fields.

Расширенный поиск

If you just close the table, it will be interpreted as refusal to work with the dictionary and chosen terms will not be saved. Automatic formation of the query in the ISIS search language is generated simultaneously with the choice. The general rules are applied here: the terms from the same dictionary are united by the statement ИЛИ ( i.e. OR), and the terms from different dictionaries are united by the statement И (i.e. AND).  For example, if one chooses the 120100 and 110400 specialties, the result will the books recommended at least for one of these specialties. Meanwhile, if the discipline will be chosen too, except two specialties, the result will be books only of this discipline, which are also recommended for one of the mentioned specialties. 

Расширенный поиск

If you need to find the exact book, you should fill the fields Автор (author) и Заглавие (title). Typing the surname of the author it is preferable to type his initials:

Расширенный поиск

If it is necessary to find all available books on the same topic, you should type the Key word. In addition to irregular phrases reflecting the topic of the publication, the keywords include separate words from the titles, annotations and subject headings. It provides more complete search, but reduces accuracy.

Расширенный поиск

Using the Key word searching, you can limit the choice area by choosing one of the fields for more accuracy. To choose the field you should click the pointer in the line “в любом поле” (“in any field”). After that the drop-down menu appears. It is useful and preferable to use Key word searching, for example, if you have to find the books the first word of which you do not know. You may type the known words of the title and choose the area of searching В заглавии (in the title). The result will be the books, the title of which contains the typed words, and the word order will not affect the searching.

Расширенный поиск

Pay attention to which statement you use: И (and), ИЛИ (or). The statement И (and) unites all the filled fields and searches for sources that exactly match all the specified parameters. The statement ИЛИ (or) expands your search greatly, because it searches for the sources, which match at list one specified parameter.

Расширенный поиск

To make the found books match the typed key words you should choose “Учитывать” (take into account) in the parameter “Окончания слов” (the ending of words). It is important in that case when the prevalence of certain roots leads to irrelevant search. For example, when you need the books on the “modern history”, but you do not need the books on “modern historians” or “modern historiography”.



