Attention Important message for BSMU students, faculty and staff. More information

Driving calculation for lost books

Users who violate the Library Rules Library or causes damage bear material or other liability in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Bashkortostan. (P. 6 Liability user Library Rules).

In case of loss or damage to the document or other printed works from the library you need to replace them:


What if a library book is lost?

Write out "direction to replace" on the subscription where the book has been received.

With "aimed at replacing" apply to the acquisition of a group (a. 132, Bldg. 7), which is determined by the fair market value of the document at the time of loss. ("Sample Library Rules higher educational institution" Russian State Committee approved TSBIK December 6, 1995).

After registration of the replacement back "direction to replace" marked "paid" for the corresponding subscription.

Attention users! Instead, literature is not taken:
