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Дистанционная библиотека. Подробнее
The database "ELECTRONIC EDUCATIONAL LIBRARY" of the Bashkir State Medical University is a full-text, constantly updated database, which includes full texts of educational, methodological and scientific publications prepared by the faculty of the University and other authors / compilers to organize the educational process.
Regulations on the database "Electronic educational library"
The procedure for transferring and excluding electronic documents from the "Electronic Learning Library" database
1. Electronic copies of printed publications created by the teaching staff of the University in the order of performance of the service assignment are transferred to the scientific library by the Publishing Department of the University.
2. Electronic documents created on an initiative basis are provided to room 129 of the scientific library by authors who have ownership rights to them (copyright) with the obligatory conclusion of a License Agreement (drawn up in two copies).
A license agreement is concluded with one of the authors when other authors of the document provide Power of Attorney for the conclusion of an agreement;
Electronic documents are included in the "Electronic Learning Library" database if there is an extract from the meeting of the Coordinating Scientific and Methodological Council and / or the Editorial and Publishing Council of the University on the positive conclusion on the publication of the document and use in the educational process;
Electronic copies of the printed publication * are provided: in PDF format with recognized text; preserving the structure, type and number of pages (original layout) of the printed analogue;
Electronic publications ** are provided with a "Certificate of registration of an electronic resource" of the established form.
3. The exclusion of electronic documents from the "Electronic Learning Library" database occurs on the basis of the Department's Recommendations for the exclusion of electronic documents.
* An electronic copy of a printed publication is an electronic document that reproduces a printed publication (according to the location of the text on the pages, imprints, etc.)
** Electronic publication - an electronic document (a group of electronic documents) that has undergone editorial and publishing processing, intended for distribution in an unchanged form, with output information.